
Features Free version Pro version Premium version
Guides *
Location list *
News feed * *
Offline access
Own location lists
Latest Places *

*: Feature partially available

✕: Feature not available

✓: Feature available

UrbexGuide (Free version)

This is the free version of an app, which helps you to get started with exploring abandoned places


This is an app, which helps you to get started with exploring abandoned places

UrbexGuide (Premium version)

This is the premium version of an app, which helps you to get started with exploring

Other Apps


With this app, you can:

  • Create, test and train your own artificial neural networks
  • Inform yourself about artificial neural networks
  • Test my motive-recognition neural network
  • Let my artificial neural network recognize your hand drawn digits

Note, that there could still be some bugs and some functions aren't self-explanatory.

SecretPlaces (Golden Edition)

With this app, you can:

  • Search for abandoned places
  • Track your location
  • Tag locations as visited
  • Find locations through certain attributes

Note, that some functions aren't self-explanatory and others don't work properly


Basic version with limited functions

Note, that this version is no longer supported