Røstvangen Mines

This site is one of many abandoned places we visited on our trip through Norway in 2021.
The starting point for this exploration was a small parking lot in the mountains. After arriving there around 9 am, it wasn't far to the first abandoned buildings. Even though most of them were just ruins, at least one building was still there: the former laundry. However, even inside this building, there wasn't much left to see: The roof had partly collapsed and there was no interior left behind.

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The laundry
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Cables of a former cable car

Following the remains of the former cable car, the trees slowly cleared and after about two kilometers, we left the forest and continued our hike under the open sky.
Not much later, more signs of mining activity came into sight: Heaps with the waste rock of the mine. Coming closer, it was also possible to see the portal and more ruins.

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Some ruins
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Debris with the portal in the background
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The adit

After exploring enough, we continued on our tour. After all, we still had about 20 kilometers to go.
The next mines came into view after ten kilometers. Sadly, they seemed pretty unstable: Most entrances were partly collapsed, and the tunnels seemed to have already caved in. At least above the ground, there still were some things left to see, including ore carts and many ruins.

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The mines from far away
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Sheep in the ruins
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Snow/ice in the adit
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View of the valley
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The last mine, we checked out, was pretty safe and easily accessible. Compared to the other mines in the area, it was in a pretty good condition, with rails left behind and nearly no collapses. Only a few meters away, there was a small, abandoned cabin which was probably used as accommodation for the miners.

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The mine portal
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Old rails
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The cabin
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Fowers on the former bed

Before leaving the area, we also explored an abandoned POWER STATION close by, which was used to supply the mines and building with power. Inside the power station, nearly all the equipment was still left behind.
For more information about the mines, click HERE.

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The power station
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...from the inside
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