Bike Tour July 2021

In July 2021, we decided to visit some abandoned places by bike. In total, we cycled about 200 kilometers in nearly three days.
The first day we started at about 1 pm in the rain. First, we had to make it through a mountainous region. But after about 20 kilometers, the terrain began to get flatter, and the weather also improved.

An abandoned manor after the first 22 kilometers

For the next 30 kilometers, there wasn't much of interest to see. However, when we reached 50 kilometers, another overgrown site came into view. Riding by, you could only see some small abandoned buildings. Because of the dense vegetation, it was to access the property, so we decided to fly the drone and take some pictures from the top with a better view.

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Abandoned swimming pools
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After capturing enough photos and videos, we packed the drone away and continued our tour as planned. For the next 20 kilometers, we cycled along some stunning lakes as the sun slowly began to set.
But then we left the bicycle trail and continues on a forest road until we had to stop at a barrier.

A sign said that we weren't allowed to go further, so we had to turn around and look for a better way. We took a look at the map and chose to try another road in about five kilometers. However, this road and the following ones were blocked. When we approached the sixth trail, it was already starting to get dark, so we ignored the signs and made our way through the restricted area.
Riding through the restricted area, we saw signs indicating that the ground could collapse at any time.

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Evening atmosphere in the restricted area
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A nearby power plant in the setting sun

After five kilometers, we finally reached the barrier on the other side. Now it wasn't far anymore. Through the dark, we could make out the first abandoned buildings of our destination. When we found a good spot to spend the night, we set up our hammocks and charged all the battery packs for the next day. In total, we covered 90 kilometers in 9 hours on the first day.

Making supper in the dark

The next day we quickly packed everything together and cycled 500 meters back to the abandoned buildings. Now we could see that it was an abandoned village with residential buildings and even some factories. Even though there wasn't much left in residential buildings, we could still find something interesting in the industrial area: After climbing a wall inside the main building, you could enter the control room, where most of the former equipment was still there. If you want to know more about the history of the ghost town, click HERE.

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Ghost town in the middle of nowhere
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The industrial area
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The former control room
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Before we could continue on our trip, we still had to go to the nearest town to fill up our supplies. Once we had done this, we were already running late. Nevertheless, we still had breakfast one hour after leaving the town.
When we finished eating, we packed everything together and cycled 15 kilometers before reaching another abandoned building. It looked like a factory or a simiar industrial building.

The abandoned factory

The following 25 kilometers, we traveled through forests without seeing anything of interest. But soon after leaving the woods, and we came by some more abandoned buildings, including two bunkers and another manor.

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Abandoned bunkers along the way
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Abandoned manor
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Another bunker
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When we left the second bunker behind, we entered a region with many other fascinating buildings, which I already explored before, so we didn't spend too much time there. If you still want to know more, you can click HERE.
We used the time saved to buy some more water in a nearby supermarket.
Now that we had all we needed, we continued to the spot we planned to spend the evening and night. It was an abandoned quarry with many ruins scattered in the woods and even some cranes, which protruded through the canopy of leaves. I was here before and explored the quarries, so I already knew some places where it would be possible to set up a small camp.
After we had chosen the best place and set up everything, we relaxed at the nearest quarry. Later as it started to get cold, we lit a small fire on the side of the quarry and waited for it to get dark. On this day, we covered a little more than 75 kilometers.

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Evening at the quarries
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Cranes on the other side of the lake
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© @jo.kphotography
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Fire at an abandoned quarry
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For the pictures of my first trip there, click HERE.

On the last day, we cycled back home, with the only real break being a quick breakfast after five kilometers. We merely had to go about 45 kilometers and about 500 meters up, so we already arrived at about 2 pm.

Breakfast after five kilometers